回覆給:小逸 裡面說道FZ6的35度油門設計,是為了要讓騎士在市區能輕鬆操控 Fazer should be a bike that is fast, not only when you rev the engine, but also fast when you go through the curves without too much traction on the rear wheel, and we worked on each of the parts accordingly. This is the reason, for example, that we chose to increase the rear-wheel drive-force FZ6的快不再只是當你轉動引擎的瞬間,並且在速度過彎展現曲線的同時,不會有太多的牽引力在後輪上產生 原廠致力於在牽引力這部份的根據施工,最後,我們增強了後輪的操控力道 |