Max race result: 8° Hi guys, today I’m too much disappointed, it’s normal, it’s understandable, because I was ready to make a good result. I had planned every details, above all the second part of the race. On this purpose during the warm up I fitted a used rear tyre in order to be ready for the last laps of the race. Later I got a good start after the red light and in the first turn I was third. But soon after I understood that all the good job made during the week end was going to be wasted. It started a chatter so strong that it was impossible to ride. I had to close the gas into the corners and I was so slow, so slow… Soon after the race my technicians told me they had never seen a chatter so strong recorded by the telemetry and that the cause was the rear tyre. For sure that doesn’t help us for the Championship Classification, but we have to forget it as soon as possible and to look forward. There are twelve races to the end of the season and there is no reason to give up. Under this point of view it’s good that we are going to test tomorrow, so we can focus on the next race, without thinking to much to what happened today. I wish nevertheless to underline that I totally trust in Michelin and in the job they do. Today it was just misfortune. ciao New Best Pole (2004): 1’42.596 (Sete Gibernau – Honda RC211V) New official record 2004): 1’44.641 (Sete Gibernau – Honda RC211V)
上面文章轉載於 Max 的網站 ... 看他在 Catalunyan 的表現,不免替他感到惋惜,也十分好奇是什麼原因使他的表現的不盡理想。看完文章,有些問題不暸,想請教各位網友指點迷津...
Q1:文中提到(highlight),為了在賽事的末段能有好的表現,他裝上了舊的(或是慣用的)後輪。 在這裡 a used rear tyre 指的是他慣用的硬胎嗎?
Q2:文中第二段highlight處,"a chatter"直翻的話是"噠噠聲",這一般是怎麼引起的,是後輪的材質問題 還是??
Q3:在賽事中,輪胎的選配是由技術總監決定,還是車手,或兩者 ??