[2004.04.26] Jerez賽前報導(1)-Rossi在Jerez會更強?
Valentino Rossi turned MotoGP upside down when he took Yamaha to victory in his very first race on the YZR-M1 two weeks ago at Welkom - and this weekend the Italian heads to Jerez, home of the Spanish Grand Prix, with the added confidence of excellent pre-season testing form at the same circuit.
Valentino Rossi,在兩個禮拜前騎著才第一次接觸的YZR-M1戰馬,為Yamaha拿下了Welkom的冠軍,也吹皺了MotoGP場上的一池春水.Rossi帶著之前在Jerez優異的IRTA測試成績,這個禮拜即將移師到西班牙Grand Prix.
It wasn't supposed to be like this: Rossi's former Honda employers were expected to provide its star littered line-up with an instantly effective 2004-spec RC211V that would leave Rossi looking for top three finishes in the early rounds, while he and his crew steadily developed the M1.
Such thoughts have now gone out of the window and if Honda hoped to have time available to sort out a new rider hierarchy and build a points lead they were mistaken. Indeed, Rossi's form at Welkom was nothing short of dominant, heading up both qualifying sessions on his way to a close-fought, but nonetheless emphatic win over long time rival Max Biaggi.
Honda樂觀的想法已經破滅,如果他們還認為有餘裕的時間去排出新的車手階級並獲得積分領先,那他們錯了.Rossi在Welkom的勝利幾乎可說是個全壘打,兩次排為賽的竿位,還有和長久以來的死對頭Max Biaggi的正賽貼身肉搏,雖然贏的不輕鬆但仍令人映像深刻.
The race-long fight was proof that the consistently fast times set in pre-season testing were no fluke and, more importantly, proved the potency of the M1 over a full race distance. As a result, attention has switched from what Rossi can do on a Yamaha, to how Honda will respond after only Biaggi looked capable of defeating his countryman in Africa.
"For sure everyone is now going to be trying even harder to beat us and they will speed up their development accordingly," admitted factory Yamaha team director Davide Brivio. "We need to work hard to combat their reaction. It won't be easy but we will try to give both our riders the ammunition to win."
Yamaha廠隊領隊Davide Brivio說:"可以確定的是目前各廠家一定正努力研發準備擊敗我們,因此我們需要積極備戰迎擊.這做起來當然不容易,但我們會盡所能提供車手所需要的'武器'."
The ominous news for Rossi's rivals is that Gauloises Fortuna Yamaha already have a strong set-up for Jerez, gathered at the recent IRTA tests in early April where Rossi was fastest and team-mate Carlos Checa in the top four.
對Rossi的對手來說,另一個不利的消息是Gauloises Fortuna Yamaha在之前Jerez IRTA測試時就已經有了優異的車輛調教;Rossi拿到了最快單圈,而Checa則排在第四.
"It was such a great moment in Welkom but we must not let that stop us from continuing to work as hard when we arrive in Jerez, and at least we already have some experience with the Jerez circuit," said Valentino. "Our tests went well there so it will be interesting to see if we can be on top for the race as well," continued the #46. "It's a circuit that I like quite a lot, it holds many happy memories for me and also my favourite corner of any track is at Jerez, the last right hand turn before the hairpin." "We are ahead of where I was expecting us to be at this stage, so even more reason why we should not sit back and relax," he added. "Welkom was such a close race and the Honda bike and Honda riders are obviously really competitive, there is not much between us." "Anyway we will of course be aiming for a podium again, as we will at every race this year," declared the five-times world champion.
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