Zclub討論區 Z板

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发表于 2012-4-10 11:09:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最後由 t38c 於 2012-4-10 11:15 編輯


Video Killed The Radio Star 電視終止無線電之星 ---歌詞

I heard you on the wireless back in Fifty Two 1952年,我還用收音機聽著你的歌
Lying awake intent at tuning in on you. 賴在床上調頻對準你
If I was young it didn't stop you coming through. 那時我還年輕,而你已大行其道
Oh-a oh
They took the credit for your second symphony. 那些人剽竊你的作品
Rewritten by machine and new technology, 用機器和新科技變造翻唱
and now I understand the problems you can see. 我終於了解你的擔心
Oh-a oh
I met your children 我遇到你小孩
Oh-a oh
What did you tell them? 你是怎麼跟他們說的
Video killed the radio star. 錄影帶殺死廣播明星
Video killed the radio star. 錄影帶剝奪了音樂
Pictures came and broke your heart. 影像時代的到來讓你心死
Oh-a-a-a oh
And now we meet in an abandoned studio. 在廢棄的錄音間
We hear the playback and it seems so long ago. 我們一起聽著當時那些錄音
And you remember the jingles used to go. 讓你憶起過去流行的調子
Oh-a oh
You were the first one. 你是前浪
Oh-a oh
You were the last one. 你死在沙灘上
Video killed the radio star. 錄影帶謀害廣播明星
Video killed the radio star. 影像扼殺了音樂
In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far 儘管還在我腦中和汽車音響裡繚繞,舊日時光仍無法重來
Oh-a-aho oh,
Oh-a-aho oh
Video killed the radio star. 錄影帶消滅廣播歌手
Video killed the radio star. 視覺刺激取代了好聲音
In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far. 舊旋律仍在我心中,舊時代已離我遠去
Pictures came and broke your heart , put the blame on VTR. 感官影像摧毀你的世界,一切只怪錄放影機
You are a radio star. 你是一代巨星
You are a radio star. 你是經典歌手
Video killed the radio star. 但人們只要影像
Video killed the radio star. 音樂失去立足之地
Video killed the radio star . (You are a radio star.)





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