OK. Yet another innaccurate and unfair road test by MCN. The tester states that it has a "drum brake at the rear". Erm... no it's a disc actually (look at the photo's). There's nothing wrong with the gearchange either; it's neither sloppy nor imprecise. I have never missed a gear or had any problems whatsoever with the gearchange, and to say it is "badly positioned" is frankly ridiculous. It's easily adjustable just like most other bikes, so what's the problem? "General quality is adequate" Are you serious? I'm beginning to think this guy hasn't even seen the bike, never mind ridden it. The build quality on SYMs is easily on a par with the Japanese brands and knocks spots off Honda's cheap and nasty CBF125.What is meant by "Sym haven’t so far shared any details of warranty cover"? If you go to the SYM UK website, it clearly states that models 125cc and over come with a 3 year warranty. Talk about lazy journalism! If you're thinking of buying a Wolf 125, ingore this "road test" and go to your local SYM dealer and see for yourself.