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发表于 2005-6-20 00:45:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   老實說~~~我是個英文笨蛋= = III
而現在必須寫英文作業,內容是關於我在餐廳實習的心得,而且以英文來書寫,這對我來說,擺明是要當我嗎 = = ~~~~~~,還好我想到我有萬能的Z族,希望各位幫我把中文翻成英文,不過不需要注重文法只要單字正確即可,拜託囉.............。

             實習的第一天,我被安排到廚房,開始了我小老弟的實習生活。一踏進廚房,有一位自以為是的爛廚師叫我把冷凍庫整理乾淨,我心裡納悶著,我第一天來什麼都不熟悉,就叫我去整理他們賴以維生的冷凍庫‧算了,進去看看吧 應該沒什麼吧 ,一打開門,= =  真他媽的亂七八糟!還好以前也做過廚房就慢慢的將所有東西整理好,雖然不是井然有序,不過可以依悉看的到通道= = 。到了中午出餐時間時,就開始被叫過來叫過去,爛廚師自己出餐速度慢,還罵東罵西的,聽得煩死了,真想拿起菜刀狠狠給他飛過去。就這樣的日子過了三個多月.........


             實習到現在也快半年了,雖然還要再半年,不過感覺時間在忙碌之下,過的飛快,而現在我的廚藝也突飛猛進,對廚房的大小事都做的得心應手,感覺如果不去讀書的話,我現在應該也是個大廚了吧, 不過有時聽老一輩的師傅在說,趁年輕趕快改行吧,這一行太累錢又少,沒啥前途的,不過我還是繼續以我的興趣為主走下去,希望有朝一日能成為眾所皆知的大廚師!

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-20 00:49:10 | 显示全部楼层

如果有英文高手覺得我打的很爛的話,也可以幫我加油添醋,讓內容更豐富,真是感激不盡唷= = ~~~~~


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发表于 2005-6-20 00:54:22 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-20 01:06:56 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2005-6-20 01:21:42 | 显示全部楼层
Practice of the first day, I am arranged the kitchen, starting the practice of my little old younger brother life.While stepping into the kitchen, have a considers as correct of the lousy cook calls me chase the cold storage sorting clean, my heart wonders, what I come the first day to all do not acquaint with, call me tidy up the cold storage that they depend on with the gained a living.calculate, go in and see should nothing, on openning the door, == true his mama's dog dinner!Also dided the kitchen and then tidied up all things good slowly before O.K., although was not well arranged to have the preface, however can depend on to see all of to channel==.Noon pay the meal time, beginning quilt call come over to call to pass by, lousy cook's oneself pay the meal speed slow, also scold the east to scold the west of, hear annoyed, really want to picked up the chopper malicious and malicious fly for him pass by.Led more than three months for such day.........

Several after month, I with a compares good of the teacher goes out to go out the  , and all of the guests are foreigners, harming of I are all very nervous with teachers, willing not speaking English only cans gesticulate, and has 100 totally, that is innocent is busy desperately, is also I to remember most deep of once, also usually go out the outside  with the teacher after, create my more precious experienceses.

Practiced now also quick half year, although still want again half year, however the feeling time is under busily, leading of quick, and my cooking of now also advances by leaps and bounds, all doing to size matters of the kitchens of with proficiency, feel if don't study, I should is also a big kitchen now, however sometimes hear the teacher of the older generation be saying, taking advantage o young change profession at once,

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发表于 2005-6-20 01:23:36 | 显示全部楼层
Practice of the first day, I am arranged the kitchen, starting the practice of my little old younger brother life.While stepping into the kitchen, have a considers as correct of the lousy cook calls me chase the cold storage sorting clean, my heart wonders, what I come the first day to all do not acquaint with, call me tidy up the cold storage that they depend on with the gained a living.calculate, go in and see should nothing, on openning the door, == true his mama's dog dinner!Also dided the kitchen and then tidied up all things good slowly before O.K., although was not well arranged to have the preface, however can depend on to see all of to channel==.Noon pay the meal time, beginning quilt call come over to call to pass by, lousy cook's oneself pay the meal speed slow, also scold the east to scold the west of, hear annoyed, really want to picked up the chopper malicious and malicious fly for him pass by.Led more than three months for such day.........

Several after month, I with a compares good of the teacher goes out to go out the 燴 , and all of the guests are foreigners, harming of I are all very nervous with teachers, willing not speaking English only cans gesticulate, and has 100 totally, that is innocent is busy desperately, is also I to remember most deep of once, also usually go out the outside 燴 with the teacher after, create my more precious experienceses.

Practiced now also quick half year, although still want again half year, however the feeling time is under busily, leading of quick, and my cooking of now also advances by leaps and bounds, all doing to size matters of the kitchens of with proficiency, feel if don't study, I should is also a big kitchen now, however sometimes hear the teacher of the older generation be saying, taking advantage o young change profession at once, too tired money of this line is again few, having no prospect of, however I still continue regard my interest as principle to stand down to go to, hope to have the dynasty the first to can become the known to all chef!





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发表于 2005-6-20 02:52:55 | 显示全部楼层

The first day of practice, I was arranged to get into the kitchen, and begun the life of practice. While stepping into the kitchen, an opinionated rotten cook asked me to clean the freezing storeroom. I wondered that why he asked me, a newbie with no know-how, to put all things in order at freezing storeroom on the first day. Well, so I should take a look at it, it might not a big trouble. Damn it! When I opened the door, what a mass! Fine, I have done this kind of job before. I wouldn’t afraid and refuse to do it. Then, I put all things in order gradually. Although I didn’t make it clean and clear, I still made a passage in it. When it came to lunch time, I was shouted here, there and everywhere. The chef’s cooking speed was very slow, but he still scolded everyone in curse. I was so annoyed and wanted to throw a knife to him ruthlessly. This kind of days continued for more than three months…


Several months later, I and another better cook was appointed out to make a banquet outside the restaurant. The guests were all foreigners and it made me and another cook felt terribly nervous. Because we both couldn’t speak English, we just communicate with them in postures and gestures. There were one hundred guests and we were both too tired to breath on that day. But, it was also a memorial day because it was the first time I cooked outside the restaurant. After that time, I usually cooked outside with mature chefs and I have gained more precious experience.


 And now, my cooking skill has a great improvement. I do all things in kitchen proficiently. I guess if I didn’t go to school before, I would also be a chef now. However, sometimes when I hear from elder chefs’ talk, they advise me that I should find another job and quit this job as soon as possible. They said this job has no future; it not only makes you tired, but also brings you less reward. But, I still want to keep going on this way, on my own way of interest. I hope that I can be a famous and well-known great chef some day. For achieving that goal, I will make all efforts and have no complaints. I love this job.





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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-20 19:30:25 | 显示全部楼层

            去死團大大你好像是自己翻的吧 ,你好厲害唷~~~~!感恩唷~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-20 19:30:27 | 显示全部楼层

            去死團大大你好像是自己翻的吧 ,你好厲害唷~~~~!感恩唷~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^


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发表于 2005-6-20 20:13:20 | 显示全部楼层
freezing storeroom還是改成refrigerator比較好.
第七行中間When I opened the door, I found everything was messed up.後面那句改成上面這樣比較好.
第二段第三行I and another cook 改成us.
第二段第六行guests後面加上to be serve

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-20 20:46:38 | 显示全部楼层


















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发表于 2005-6-21 16:20:31 | 显示全部楼层

I am in the service of The Landis Taichung Hotel, Tian-Xiang Chinese food restaurant. I usually work on the morning shift, and I also love this shift. Everyday when I get up in the morning, I feel so good and full of energy to begin a wonderful day.


        Now, allow me to introduce you my daily work projects as below:


        The first thing in the morning is that we must sign in when we step into the restaurant. Although it is just a simple task, it will affect our important grade of moral. Afterwards, we will do sanitary cleansings according to the arrangement made by the supervisor. Doing these sanitary cleansings not only makes the environment become neat and tidy but also gives us a warm up before we engage in our regular work.


        Thirty minutes after staffs’ meal time, the restaurant carries on to commerce. Every day the bulletin board will list everyone’s job. Today, I am distributed to “side dish” zone. This zone is to receive the customers who didn’t make reservations. At the beginning, I have to check on my facilities, to examine that they are well-prepared or not. They are as follow: are the desks well-arranged; are the chair-covers well-spread; are the air-conditioners well-operated…etc. Then, we need to recall the customers who made reservations, and memorize their names and reservation times in detail. When the customers come in, we have to settle them at appropriate seat and ask them what they need for beverage. Several minutes later, we will help customers to order and introduce the menu for them carefully. During the meal time, we seldom inquire customers that: is the quantity of food enough or not? After the customers finish their dishes and check out from the restaurant, we can just call it a day.


        This is all about my daily routine.



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-22 23:31:35 | 显示全部楼层


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